CDS with new name and fresh makeover

The technology provider from Ostwestfalen starts with a new makeover into the merry month of May. CDS Computer Demo + Service GmbH becomes "CDS Service GmbH". Not only the new company name takes account of the product portfolio that has grown over the years. A modern corporate design also reflects the expanded range. The new appearance creates a contemporary and at the same time future-proof brand identity for the entire group of companies, which is combined in the claim "Technology for Business", developed especially for this purpose.

"We have expanded our range of activities with which we grew 25 years ago, and have expanded our competence areas", explains Paul Koch, Managing Director of CDS Service GmbH. In the meantime, hardware rollout and rollback, demo equipment services, high-tech repairs and solutions for IT remarketing are among the business segments. Koch continues, "CDS continues to work on a partnership-based cooperation and provides tailor-made services and software solutions for the IT and high-tech industries. This will be visible not only in the new name, but also in our company-wide corporate design. "

The core element of the revised appearance is the modified word mark "CDS" in upper cases, which now presents itself with a concise and contemporary typography. The new "Technology for Business" claim and the key visual - a slash coming from the programming language - form the recognizable trademark. Furthermore, the color blue is an essential component. New is that the brand image can draw from a deep blue spectrum, which is contrasted by shining blue accents.

"The new corporate design gives us a clear face to the outside and makes us tangible to customers, applicants and our partners. With this newly developed appearance, we are creating a contemporary and at the same time future-capable brand identiy," explains Kathrin Graunke, marketing manager at CDS.

The new homogeneous appearance of CDS.

The new homogeneous appearance of CDS.
